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what is Wsiorber?

project focused on delivering original beverages in beautiful locations.
created purely from passion to cafés and content creation.
sounds serious, but currently it’s just two guys making coffee outside on camping table.

what does Wsiorber mean?

name is combination of two polish words:
wieś – countryside, where founders were born
siorb – slurp sound
also, siorber is a neologism coined by Belmondo in his song “Dzień dobry“.

how does it work?

we’re informing about

  • time
  • location
  • beverage

shortly before an event.
everything else is a mystery.

who created Wsiorber?

@torpedowiec – drinks – content


check our instagram
for now it’s our only channel of communication, but we’re just getting started.

experience Wsiorber by yourself!